The Act Was Implemented in 1976
The "RCRA" requirements were designed by EPA to protect human health and the
environment from improper handling of hazardous waste. How to control and manage
waste from it's creation to it's ultimate disposal or best destruction. (Cradle to
Grave Responsibilities)
Included in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Program are instructions on how
to handle waste, how to respond to a spill in your workplace, how to qualify a waste
disposal firm and EPA information deemed necessary to the operation of your business.
As part of the hazard assessment we include the following:
1. Appropriate federal and local filings
fire department
police department
local emergency planning committee
2. Comprehensive chemical listing
3. Reminder notices on permits
4. Mock EPA walk through as required
5. Update of information required by EPA on periodic basis
6. Permitting and consultation on an as needed basis
7. Emergency notification posting
8. Written spill plan for posting